Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to be a Geosciences Major to be a member?
No! We are open to all Texas A&M Students!
Is WIG strictly for women?
No! We accept people of all gender identities and sexual orientations!
What is the weekly time commitment?
It depends on you! We typically have 3 required events every semester, a weekly General Meeting (1.5 hours max, usually only 1), Family Events, and a ton of other optional events that you can choose to go to!
We have point requirements every semester, and you can easily earn points by attending meetings, events, or doing nice things for fellow WIGs!
What kind of events do we hold?
We have a wide variety of what we do! We have Sisterhood Events, which are just for WIGs, and can be anything from picnics, to movie nights, to cookie decorating, to field days! We also do some Fundraising Events, including profit shares and merch sales. WIGs participate in a lot of Service Events as well, helping out our community. Lastly, we also have bigger events with Socials, like ice skating nights, bowling, semi-formals and formals!
How much are dues?
Dues are $70 per semester. All events and an organization T-shirt are covered by the dues. You won't have to pay for anything past that!